Women in emergency medicine

In November, the WEM Group held our first “Dinner & Movie” night. We watched Ticket to Paradise with lively film discussion afterward, and while the movie received mixed reviews from our group, the food and company were excellent. Dr. Tiscareno won the award for Best Host and her son, Wyatt, won in the category of Best Supporting Host!”
In January, our WEM Group resident chair, Dr. Janna Williams, organized community service opportunities with Red Door, a local nonprofit organization that provides after-school tutoring and mentoring for students. Several of us gathered at Fondren Church on two evenings in January to conduct science experiments with elementary school students in the program. They were fascinated by experiments focused on the fives senses and especially by the shocking results of wiping their “clean” hands on Petri dishes!
Finally, we celebrated Women Physician’s Day (February 3rd) during our departmental conference in the first week of February. The entire department enjoyed breakfast and coffee sponsored by the WEM Group, in addition to a presentation by Dr. Williams about several woman physicians who were pioneers in medicine.